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 Last week I began praying with a new daily prayer book. Before launching into the first daily prayer I read the introduction and was struck by this observation:

  “Our culture is so deeply formed by an individualistic ethos, which has imprinted our faith as well. We’re pretty much convinced we can follow Jesus solo, that our individual spiritual experience is paramount to our faith. A practice of common prayer, sharing words with other Jesus followers (who may not be physically present but are praying  the same Scripture and prayers on the same day) begins to root us more deeply in Christian community.  Common prayer interrupts our privatized faith and reminds us  that we can’t do this alone, that we find ourselves in the company of others who share this journey with Jesus.” (from “Seeking God’s Face: Praying with the Bible through the Year. Compiled by Philip F. Reinders)

When we began these daily devotionals at the start of the pandemic it was with the hope that they might help you to stay connected to God each day.  Peterson’s words remind us that as we come to these, not only do we intentionally turn to God but we do so with others who join  us in these prayers. In this practice we are actually bound into a dispersed community of people who are connected by praying the same daily prayers. In a time when we have lost our ability to gather physically in community in the ways we are accustomed to, perhaps this community of prayer is more important than ever. As we pray today let’s pray for each other, those who have gathered around and through this devotional as we seek God together.  

May God’s blessing be upon you today,
