Ever wondered exactly what the Worship Ministry does? - pretty much whatever happens on a Sunday morning at St. Stephens is what we talk about.  Music, prayer, hearing and responding to God’s word is a big part of what we do. These components are also pre-recorded and uploaded weekly to the website. We also oversee the structure and order of services as well as special Worship events throughout the year. 

There are three weekly services: Online, 9am and 11am (except on special occasions when there is a "Joint Service" at 10am). The sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated in all services on the first Sunday of each month.

The chapel is available on Sunday mornings and at other times by arrangement for prayer or a personal time of worship.

Its our goal to ensure that Worship at St. Stephen's remains inclusive, relevant and life-giving for the congregation and pleasing to God.  If there is a way you’d like to get involved  let us know – wed love to talk to you.