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What is Lent?

"Lent marks the forty days leading up to Easter, mirroring the forty days Jesus spent in the wilderness. It is a practice that began during the 4th century as a way to prepare Christians for the holiest day of the year.
During Lent, we ask God to show us the world as it is. We begin with the reality of our finitude rubbed on our foreheads on Ash Wednesday - from dust we were made, to dust we shall return.  Then we walk through that reality in a kind of dress rehearsal.  It's the downward slope of God - the Great Decent, where the whole church walks towards the cross."
                                                                                                                          ~Kate Bowler


Many of you will have heard Dianne talk about Kate Bowler who is an author, Duke University Professor, earned her master's degree in religion from Yale Divinity School and a PhD from Duke University.

Kate is offering a free daily devotional for Lent that can be found at her website here.