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From: The Message/Remix: Solo, An Uncommon Devotional 


Read the passage, Genesis 3:1-10, carefully.  Here is a link to that reading in an online bible:


For many of us, these are familiar verses.  The first two chapters of Genesis speak of God’s amazing Creation.  Chapter 3 speaks of the rebellion of humankind.  And the remainder of the Message details God’s intricate and loving plan to redeem, restore, and reconcile creation back to himself after what happened in Genesis 3.  God’s plan hinges on what happened in the garden.  How does this passage speak to your situation today?


There is no better way to begin to understand God’s Message than to grasp our separation from him because of sin and our desperate need for him to reconcile our relationship.  Take some time to confess those areas where you have deliberately rebelled against God.


Knowing that you and everyone else on earth has rebelled against God, what do you feel?  In what way does this knowledge affect the way you live your life?  

Reread verse 9.  If God knows everything, why did he call out to Adam asking, “Where are you?”

In verse 10, Adam responds to God’s question by saying, “I heard you in the garden and was afraid because I was naked.  And I hid.” When are you most tempted to hide?

Photo by Anastasia Zhenina on Unsplash