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From: The Message/Remix: Solo, An Uncommon Devotional Day 232

Healing The Enemy

Today’s reading is Luke 22:47-53.  Read the passage aloud slowly. Keep in mind that this occurs in the Garden of Gethsemane.  Jesus has just prayed, “Father, remove this cup from me.  But please, not what I want.  What do you want?”  Then Jesus noted that his disciples were sleeping when he’d asked them to watch with him. (See verses 42-46.)  Here is a link to that passage in an online bible:

Read the passage again.  This time place yourself in the scene as one of the disciples watching what is going on.
1.    How do you feel when Judas arrives with the soldiers?
2.    How do you feel when one of you strikes the chief priest’s servant?
3.    How do you feel when Jesus heals this servant – one of his attackers?
4.    How do you feel when Jesus points out how silly and dramatic his assailants are? (He has been accessible to them for days, and is now letting them arrest him.)
Finally, put yourself in the place of the servant of the chief priest who is healed by Jesus.  How do you feel? What do you want to say to Jesus?

Consider Jesus’ behavior in this scene.  What baffles you? What is awakened within you? Fear? A sense of worship? If there is any way this scene might help you trust Jesus more, tell him.

Sit quietly with your hand on one of your ears.  See yourself as someone who is about to injure Jesus, but instead he heals you from your own injuries.  Sit in that sense of being healed by God.  Sit in that sense of finally being able to hear Jesus in your heart with your willing ears.

Photo by Stacey Franco on Unsplash