From: The Message/Remix: Solo, An Uncommon Devotional Day 134
Read Isaiah 49:13-18, underlining or mentally noting each time the word “forget” is present.
Here is a link to this reading from an online bible:
Can you think of a specific moment when you were forgotten – either intentionally or unintentionally? How did that make you feel? Why?
What ties in your life do you most desire to be remembered? Be specific. How does it feel for you to know that there is a God who will never forget you under any circumstance?
Pour out your heart in gratitude before God for the fact that he will “never forget you – never.”
“Look, I’ve written your names on the backs of my hands.” Take a pen and make a small mark on the back of each of your hands. Every time you glance at one of the marks, remember God’s character and rejoice in knowing that you are his child who will never be forgotten. If someone asks you about the marks, tell them about The God Who Remembers.
Photo by Johnny Cohen on Unsplash