It’s here! The beginning of the Advent season, where we recall and reminisce about the first coming of the Christ Child and also anticipate his coming again at the end times. This is also a time to prepare our hearts to receive Jesus-to repent and let the light of heaven shine into our shadowed souls. The Lectionary readings as well as our music reflects this.
In this week’s online service, you’ll see the Antependium (pulpit hanging) has changed to blue and we’ll light the first candle on the Advent wreath-the candle of Hope.
Hope: a fundamental facet of the Christian life. The hope we have in Jesus Christ-the redemption he earned for us at the cross, the salvation he freely gives to us through the power of his resurrection, the access he made for all humankind to the very throne of God, life-eternal spent in His presence.
As we move together, spiritually, through the days of Advent, it is my hope that you will be able to catch a glimpse of the holiness and poignancy of this season.
Please enjoy these Advent pieces as you contemplate the Hope you have in the coming and coming-again of Jesus Christ.
Blessings of light and love,
O Come O Come Emmanuel (contemporary)
Come Thou Long Expected Jesus