Today’s prayer was crafted by Walter Brueggemann and speaks to the longing we each have to find our true home, and to the wonderful discover that we find our home in the heart of God. As you pray this today, may God bless you with a deep sense of being welcomed home!
Our True Home
God before and God behind,
God for us and God for your own self,
Maker of heaven and earth,
creator of sea and sky,
governor of day and night.
We give thanks for your ordered gift of life to us,
for the rhythms that reassure,
for the equilibriums that sustain,
for the reliabilities that curb our anxieties.
We treasure from you,
days to work and nights to rest.
We cherish from you,
days to control and nights to yield.
We savour from you,
days to plan and nights to dream.
Be our day and our night,
our heaven and our earth,
our sea and our sky,
and int the end our true home. Amen.
(Prayer from: Awed to Heaven, Rooted in Earth: Prayers of Walter Brueggemann, Edited by Edwin Searcy, Fortress Press Minneapolis 2003. page 21.)