Significant people in my life…My partner and best friend, Keith, who has supported my sudden crazy ideas and decisions, who has got me to the airport when I’ve had to go on business trips and who has loved me throughout – warts and all. My extended family and my new ‘significant friends’ at St. Stephens.
On a really good day I… get out of bed! Life is too short to miss out on anything God has in store for me! Oh! and I really like to cook or potter around in the garden when I’m not out there trying to save the planet!
On a really bad day I’d… be better staying in bed – but one has to struggle on – so I get up, have a shower, do some cooking or potter around in the garden and leave our beautiful blue planet to God to sort out!
My all-time favourite comfort food is…Home made chicken soup in the winter and vanilla ice-cream in the summer.
If I wasn’t living here right now, I’d love to live in…Glasgow – because you can get to anywhere from Glasgow – the highlands of Scotland, the south of France, the Greek Islands – and because the folks there understand what I say!
Some wise words that inspire me… “I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen. Not only because I see it, but because ‘by it’ I see everything else”. C. S. Lewis
Mon - Thurs 8:30am - 12pm