If you live locally and prefer to worship online or if you live at a distance, we would like to take this opportunity to invite you to our Virtual Christmas Eve Service. This service will be available through our website and You Tube channel. Here on the website, simply go to the ONLINE SERVICES page and click on the Christmas Eve Service.
Online Services | St. Stephen's United Church (ststephensucqualicum.ca)
The service will be available first thing in the morning on December 24th and will be left up to watch anytime throughout the Christmas season.
Please feel free to invite your friends and family! We wish you all a joyful and blessed Christmas and a New Year filled with Hope and Peace.
The offering collected on Christmas Eve will go to support "David's Place" - a Supportive Recovery Program operated by Island Crisis Care Society. For more information about David's Place, please follow this link. You can make a donation by clicking on the "Give Online" button on the HOME page of our website and selecting "Christmas Eve".