On this day, Jesus and his disciples returned to Jerusalem, where he entered the Temple and overthrew the tables of the money-changers, declaring the Temple to be again a place of prayer for all nations.
Scripture reading: Mark 11:15–19
Loving God,
you know the need we have as human beings
for things to taste and touch,
to smell and feel.
You know we are never satisfied only with words –
you made us,
body as well as spirit,
flesh as well as soul.
Thank you then for the things of our religion
that speak to us of our faith.
Cleanse our religious traditions of anything
that would turn our faith into stone;
may they always speak to us of Kingdom values –
the justice, the peace, the care for the poor,
the costly faith, that is never content
unless it is walking in the footsteps of Jesus.
We pray in his name.
Photo by Syd Sujuaan on Unsplash