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Mark 8:34-36
[Jesus said] “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake, and for the sake of the gospel will save it. For what will it profit them to gain the whole world and forfeit their life?”

To ponder
It is easy enough to claim belief in God. But the question that must always be put to such claims is, simply, Which God? What is your image of this God in whom you claim belief? What kind of company does your God keep? What does your God ask of you - if anything? - Douglas John Hall, The Cross In Our Context

There is a cross for me
A popular entertainer sings about losing yourself in moments that must be embraced even when they involve great risks. These lyrics remind me of Jesus’ words: “Let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.”

In denying ourselves we put the needs of others ahead of our own self-interest and success. Crosses are signs of what we are called to do, however difficult or improbable, as Jesus leads the way. Many people have found peace, honour, and purpose in denying themselves, taking up the cross, and following Jesus. This does not conform to the logic of this world, but Christ’s redeeming love gives us new life, strength and wisdom that the world cannot give.


Dear Jesus, encourage and sustain us as we take up the cross and follow you. Give us faith to go where you are leading us, trusting that, even amid suffering and death, you are the giver of life, joy, and peace. Amen.

(from: “A Story to Tell: Devotions for Lent” Bekki Lohrmann, Harvard Stephens Jr., Lydia Posselt, David L. Miller; Augsburg Fortress, 2020)