By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept when we remembered Zion.  Psm 137

For many reasons this will be a quiet Canada Day.   Many will want to celebrate while others will quietly place a candle in their window to remember the unnamed graves and lost lives of so many indigenous children.  There is much healing and restoration to do to bring wholeness and life to our grieving brothers and sisters.    In Sunday’s sermon Dianne reminded us that Jesus came to bring healing, restoration, and reconciliation. Our Moderator reminds us it is a time to listen and pray, “I ask you to continue to hold Indigenous members of the United Church and their families and communities in prayer and ask members of your community of faith to do the same.”  A time for candles in the window.
Today - or perhaps tomorrow, or sometime this week - you are invited to bring your presence to this 5-minute Reflection offered by Rev John Snow, Indigenous Minister Pacific Mountain Regional Council. In the wake of secret graves being revealed this June in BC, Manitoba and Saskatchewan, and knowing more will rise, Rev. John Snow offers this Scripture, Song of the Dakota 38 and Stoney Prayer.

Isaiah 53: 2-6

"Dakota Hymn" / Lacquiparle
by Joseph R. Renville (1842), paraphrased by R. Phillip Frazier (1929).

Wakantanka taku nitawa
tankaya qaota;
mahpiya kin eyahnake ca,
makakin he duowanca.
Mniowanca sbeya wanke cin,
hena ovakihi.