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From: The Message/Remix: Solo, An Uncommon Devotional Day 263

Strength Is For Service

Today’s reading is Romans 15:1-6.  Here is a link to that passage in an online bible:

Paul specifies that we are to help others in areas where we are “strong and able in the faith.” What are some areas in which you have received training, direction, or guidance? What are some of your natural gifts and strengths?

Read the passage with a heart of gratitude for those who, past and present, “step in and lend a hand” to you, even if you don’t remember specific details.

Ponder what this passage says about Jesus and how he dealt with people’s troubles.  Now think about his call to follow him (see Matthew 16:24).  When you think about being like Jesus in this way, what questions, thoughts, and feelings come up?  Share these with him.

Contemplate the role that service to others plays in your daily life.  There are a variety of forms this might take, for example, lending a listening ear or emotional support, doing manual labour or other chores for someone, or giving money, food, shelter, or clothing to a person in need.  Has your service to others become another form of overwork? Or is it truly integrated into your life in a comfortable and valuable way?  Have you been selfish in the use of your time? Should you be giving more of yourself to others than you currently do?

Photo by Rémi Walle on Unsplash