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From: The Message/Remix: Solo, An Uncommon Devotional Day 160


The scripture reading for today is Daniel 7:11-14.  Here is a link to that passage in an online bible:

Read the passage as fast as you can.  Then read it again at a normal pace. Finally read it aloud very slowly, focusing on and articulating each word.


The book of Daniel is full of radical stories of obedience, but it is also filled with strange and sensational dreams and visions.  Chapter 7 includes a vision of four animals, plus the prophetic words found in verses 13-14.

Is God’s kingly rule in the world evident to you?  Do you believe he’s really in charge?  Think about God reigning as King over his people.  Does that make you feel fear and dread or excitement and hope? Why?

If God is in control, we don’t have to be.  Does that thought induce anxiety or comfort? Why? Catastrophes, devastation, and suffering happen every day, yet God is ruling at this very moment.  Do you believe that? How does believing that make you feel?

Not only is God in control today, but his reign lasts forever.  In what way does that fact impact your life?


What are you worried about?  Offer your concerns right now to the god who reigns over everything at this very moment and will continue to reign forever.


Live freely and without worry as you focus on God’s reign today.