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From: The Message/Remix: Solo, An Uncommon Devotional Day 101

Before you begin, ask the Holy Spirit to make his presence palpable as you pray.  Ask him to make you open to whatever he gives, rather than taking charge of this time or trying to fix yourself.  Even if a part of you disagrees, present yourself with the truth that opening to him is all you can really do.

Read Proverbs 7:7-8, 13-23 once, slowly.  Here is a link to the passage in an online bible:

Allow the story of the foolish man and the seductress to sink in until you understand its message.  How do the words relate to your life?  In what areas are you tempted – “lured into ambush” – to live foolishly?  What are some things you know are right to do, but you drag your feet and don’t do them?  Don’t try to fix yourself or be down on yourself.  Instead, just let the reality settle in that this is who you are: someone very much in need of God’s grace and mercy.

Finish your devotion today by picturing God sitting with you.  Tell him, “God this is who I am.” Remain open to whatever this might be, and if necessary, remind yourself that you don’t want to fix yourself.  If this seems difficult or if relaxing in his presence is challenging, take a few minutes to consider this truth: “The Lord is full of compassion and mercy.” (James 5:11 NIV) Then return to relaxing in God’s presence.  Write down anything significant from this time that you can refer to.

Photo by Alexandra Fuller on Unsplash