On this night, Jesus ate the Passover meal with his disciples, and washed their feet, thus inaugurating the new covenant between God and all people, which he was to seal the next day with his blood. Then he was betrayed by Judas, deserted by his disciples and handed over to be crucified.
Scripture readings: John 13:1–15, Luke 22:14–20
Loving God,
on this night you waited, in Jesus,
for so much.
You waited for loyalty –
and found betrayal.
You waited for support –
and got, instead, desertion.
You waited for love –
and received instead
hatred, misunderstanding, rejection,
and a cruel death.
Loving God,
still you wait for us.
We are no different from your first disciples.
We carry within us all the sin that can crucify you
again and again.
Here on this night,
the night of the basin and towel,
of the bread broken and the wine outpoured,
help us to wait now on you.
Let your mercy and grace unite us in your forgiveness.
And make us one with all your suffering children
who wait for your reign of justice and peace to come
and change their lives.
We pray in Jesus’ name.
Photo by Syd Sujuaan on Unsplash