“Powerful. Active. Sovereign.” Three words we so often associate with God. Three words that hold so much promise, so much hope. If God is these things and God loves us, then what do we have to fear? Today in prayer with Walter Brueggemann, we ask our God to be these things, in our lives and in our world.
Be your powerful, active, sovereign self
You are the God who creates and recreates,
who judges and delivers,
who calls by name and makes new.
This much we gladly confess in praise and thanksgiving.
This much we trust and affirm …
only to ponder the chance that we are too glib,
that we say more than we mean,
that we say more than we can in fact risk.
We make our gingerly confession in a world filled
with those who cynically acknowledge none but themselves …
and we are their fellow travellers
with those who in vulnerability have no chance by prayer to you …
and we stand in solidarity with them.
Thus we ask, beyond our critical reservations,
that you be your powerful, active, sovereign self.
Give us eyes to see your wonders around us;
Give us hearts to live into your risky miracles;
Give us tongues to praise you beyond our doubt.
For it is to you, only you, that we turn on behalf of the world
that waits in its deathliness for your act of life. Amen.
May God’s blessing be upon you today,
(Prayer from: Awed to Heaven, Rooted in Earth: Prayers of Walter Brueggemann, Edited by Edwin Searcy, Fortress Press Minneapolis 2003. page 124.)